Saturday, September 6, 2014


Guys, I've seriously had such an inspiring day. At the end of this blog I'm going to have two questions for you. I'll know you read this blog all the way through because once you do, you'll go to the Facebook link that lead you here and answer them in the form of a comment. I won't be offended if you don't, but c'mon, it'll take you like a minute tops. We'll come back to this.

Today was Camp Holiday in Louisville KY, put on by National Sales Director Linda Toupin. For those of you outside the pink bubble this means nothing, but it meant a lot to me. Let's rewind though to how I got there, because even that inspired me.

One thing you need to know about Mary Kay is that EVERYWOMAN is super nice and EVERYWOMAN helps EVERYWOMAN because that is what we're all about. Once I decided for sure that I was attending Camp Holiday I asked another consultant if I could carpool with her. She then went out of her way to make sure that the other two ladies she was riding with picked me up this morning. Not only did I not have to drive my car, but all three of these ladies were driving Mary Kay career cars! The one we ended up in had less than 400 miles on it when we took off this morning.

Guys. I need to earn my free car. Like right now.

Another thing you need to know about Mary Kay is that we don't have territories. This being said, sometimes a person lives far away from the unit that they were recruited into. Take me as an example: My director lives in the Jasper IN area, and when I joined I was in West Lafayette IN. So not only did I have my director to learn from but I had an adopted director named Cynda. Cynda graciously took me into her home like I was one of her own and taught me how to work my business like I was one of her own. When I moved to Cincinnati I left Cynda behind and met Liz. Now Liz is my adopted director who welcomes me into her home each week for our success meetings. When I got to Camp Holiday this morning ALL 3 of my directors knew I was going to be there and had seats for me if I needed one. Talk about feeling the love.

So, by now I'm sure you're wondering what exactly Camp Holiday was and why I was so gosh darn excited to be there. Well I'll tell you. Camp Holiday was 6 hours of listening to women who make up the top 2% of the company talk about how to be successful during the holiday season. Fun Fact: Today I learned that the holiday season starts September 1st. I for one, did not know that. Today was just so power-packed with all sorts of ideas to help me take my business where I want it to take me. We had an hour for lunch, and it was suggested that we pack our own because imagine 800 women all trying to get lunch at the same Panera. I spent that whole hour making lists and compiling my thoughts. My notes from today are eight pages long...I don't even take notes like that in class. #duh

I'll wrap this up because while I could go on and on about what I heard to day, it would just bore you. So, I have two questions for you:

1. Is there any reason why you can't buy a present for one person on your holiday list from me and my business.

2. If you had $10,000 AND a free car by Christmas, what would you do with it?


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